Co B, 1st Bn, 8th Cav, 1st Cavalry Division
Phuoc Long province, RVN
2 December 1969

leisy2Lt. Leisy was leading a reconnaissance mission when one of his patrols came under heavy fire from a much larger force well-entrenched in a  bunker complex. As the LT deployed the remainder of his platoon to rescue the pinned-down patrol, they were again ambushed by intense enemy fire from 3 sides.

With no regard for his own welfare 2Lt, Leisy moved to the front of the unit and spotted an enemy sniper in a tree in the act of firing a rocket-propelled grenade directly at his RTO.

Realizing there was no time –  Leisy unhesitatingly, and with full knowledge of the consequences, shielded the radio operator with his body and absorbed the full impact of the explosion.

His act of valor saved the life of his RTO and protected other men of his platoon from serious injury.

Ignoring his multiple wounds, 2Lt Leisy calmly remained in command – He continued to effectively direct the platoon’s movements and fire to overcome the ambush force. He provided the leadership that enabled his platoon to successfully withdraw without further casualties.

When medical aid arrived, 2Lt. Leisy refused attention until his wounded men were treated, he later succumbed to his wounds.



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